Fruit Nachos

Fruit Nachos Summer Recipe

It’s almost here; Cinco de Mayo!  And while I’m sure we’ve all got a couple of margaritas planned for our immediate future, maybe you’d be interested in a little nosh to go along side your salty & sweet cocktail.  These fruit nachos are super easy to wip up with really any of your favorite fruits.  Though I will caution you to keep an eye on those wanton wrappers when they’re in the oven because they go from raw to burned super quick.  I followed this recipe pretty closely, but after burning two pans worth of wrappers, I took my oven down to about 325 degrees and baked them for 6-7 minutes to perfection.  So get to know your oven a bit is what I’m saying.

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Fruit Nachos Summer Recipe

Fruit Nachos Summer Recipe

Fruit Nachos Summer Recipe

Fruit Nachos Summer Recipe

Fruit Nachos Summer Recipe

Fruit Nachos Summer Recipe